General Information

Recruit Information

SAFR Personnel holding the rank of Recruit are permitted to patrol with fellow SAFR Personnel holding the rank of Firefighter 1 and above.

When activating with fellow SAFR Personnel, Recruits are permitted to only perform basic tasks such as securing scenes and collecting equipment. Providing Medical Assistance and assisting in any Fire Operations is prohibited unless explicitly instructed to do so by a Senior Firefighter or above.

All SAFR Personnel holding the rank of Recruit are to follow orders from all fellow SAFR Personnel holding the rank of Firefighter 1 or above. Failure to adhere to this may result in disciplinary action.

SAFR Personnel holding the rank of Recruit are subject to termination at any point as a result of:

  • Poor behavior toward other SAFR Personnel, LEO Personnel or members of the public

  • Performance not remaining above the minimal standard set out in the SAFR SOP

  • Failure to attend a Recruit Training within 45 days of your hire date

Field Training Personnel Information

Field Training Assistant shall achieved by filling out the Letter Of Interest in our department panel

Promotion to Field Training Officer can be achieved through attending 3 trainings as an FTA

FTO's must post 2 trainings minimum each month to maintain their status as a Field Training Officer

All FTO's must ensure that the training sheet is completed for each training hosted

Last updated