Uniform Policies

The uniform worn by SAFR Personnel is a symbol, a certification of legitimacy and the icon of a team.

SAFR Personnel are to conform to the uniform structure at all times.

Failure to abide by the uniform structure will result in disciplinary action.

If the uniform structure becomes outdated, it must be reported immediately, and personnel must make an effort to conform as close as possible to the appropriate uniform.

SAFR Personnel must adhere to Character Name, In-Game Name and Discord Name requirements as per this policy. Character Name

SAFR Personnel that are also employed in a Law Enforcement capacity must use the name associated with their Law Enforcement persona.

The first name of their persona may differ between LEO & SAFR, however must have the same initial. Example: LEO = Pierce McCallace | SAFR = Padraig McCallace

In-Game Name

SAFR Personnel are required to display their callsign in their steam/fivem name when on-duty. Members of the Department Command are permitted to only have their rank or an abbreviation of their rank instead in their name.

SAFR Personnel are required to display their SAFR name in their steam/fivem name when on-duty.

Example: P. McCallace

Discord Name

SAFR Personnel are required to follow the following discord name layout in SADRP/SAFR discords:

[CALLSIGN] (Officer Name)

Example: [F-201] J. Doe

SAFR Uniform & Vehicle Structure

Last updated