Disciplinary Action Policy

Demotion & Termination

SAFR Heads hold rights to relieve SAFR Personnel from their duties

Duty relief can occur due to policy violations, misconduct or actions not in line with SAFR standards

SAFR Heads hold right to terminate SAFR Personnel from duty

SAFR Department Administration may recommend and issue demotions with approval from a District Chief or above

SAFR Probationary Firefighters may be terminated immediately due to behavior issues

SAFR Probationary Firefighters may be terminated immediately due to SAFR Policy & Procedure breaches


Strikes shall be issued by the SAFR Department Administration

Supervisors may issue strikes with permission from the Department Administration

No specific number of strikes to be totaled against SAFR Personnel prior to demotion or termination

Active Duty Suspension

SAFR Supervisors and above may suspend SAFR Personnel below their respective rank from duty

SAFR Personnel in an investigation regardless of nature shall be placed on Active Duty Suspension unless otherwise informed by the SAFR Personnel conducting the investigation

Department Blacklist

District Chiefs and above hold the authority to issue individuals with blacklists to SAFR

Last updated