Vehicle Policies
SAFR Personnel are each issued a vehicle based on their rank.
Exceptions may be granted as per subdivision structures
SAFR Personnel may use any medical unit to roam around the Area of Patrol to pre-emptively respond to calls, however during mass patrols, it is recommended to stay at a station. Fire apparatus must remain at the station unless going on a fuel or food run.
SAFR Personnel may operate a vehicle they are not suitably trained to with the sole purpose of moving it to a new position on scene, when the repositioning shall result in a benefit, and when directed to do so.
Any vehicle within SAFR is required to follow it's limitations when actively responding/patrolling in San Andreas. Failure to follow driving standards may result in disciplinary action. For example: Responding to a call on top of Mount Chiliad in a Engine/Ladder.
Department Command & Department Heads hold the authority to remove access to a vehicle for any SAFR Personnel for misbehaviour, failure to safely use the vehicle or for any violations of the standards set out in this Standard Operating Procedure document.
No member within SAFR is allowed to use a POV vehicle, also known as a "take home car". Disciplinary action may be issued if seen using lights on a civilian vehicle. Special exemptions may be made by the Office of the Chiefs.
SAFR Personnel must lock their vehicle when they are not actively occupying it
SAFR Personnel vehicles contain items that may cause harm to individuals when possessed by unauthorized persons
SAFR Uniform & Vehicle Structure
Last updated